Schedule an Appointment with Midcoast Maine CA$H
Monday, November 11, 2024 02:36
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34 Wing Farm Parkway
Bath, Me 04530
(207) 751-3756
(207) 295-6340
Tuesday8:45AM  to   2:00PM
Thursday2:45PM  to   8:00PM
Saturday8:45AM  to   2:00PM

Welcome to Midcoast CA$H

We are offering minimal-contact, on-site tax preparation assistance for the upcoming tax season by appointment only.

Appointment Season January 30 – April 12, 2025:

Appointments will be at the United Way in Bath,  Lincoln County Planning Wiscasset, Bowdoinham Fire Station, Boothbay Town Office and Harpswell Town Office, Maine  

On-site service:  

At your appointment time, arrive with all required identification and tax documents for each person on your return.

Volunteers will greet you inside the building, verify your ID and take you tax paperwork. Masks are optional. All documents will go to an IRS-certified volunteer tax preparer who will prepare your taxes while you wait in our main lobby or in your vehicle (whichever you prefer).

Your completed return will be reviewed, approved by you and then e-filed 24 hours after your review.

*In order to be served you must have all required identification, social security cards for each person on your tax return, tax documents, a voided check (if needed for direct deposit).